Sustainability Policy

Johnson Service Group – Sustainability Policy 

We provide textile rental and related services across a range of sectors throughout the UK. We are the leading supplier of work wear and protective wear in the UK, offering these services through the Johnsons Workwear brand. We also provide premium linen services for the hotel, catering and hospitality markets, and high volume hotel linen services, through Johnsons - Stalbridge, Johnsons - London Linen and Johnsons Hotel linen brands. Our ability to clean, maintain and care for textiles means that we are fundamental to the everyday operations of our clients. We take pride in our work and believe in quality, reliability and a personal approach in everything we do. After all, best impressions are lasting impressions.

JSG acknowledges its responsibility to protect the environment and the communities in which it operates from the impact of its activities. Consequently, according to the following principles, this statement defines the policy for sustainability development.

Workplace – JSG is committed to maintaining awareness of technological advances in industry, machinery and the purchase of utility ef cient equipment based on that information. JSG evaluates new and existing equipment to ensure ef ciencies are generated and maintained. JSG maintains the requirements for their operational sites for their Climate Change Agreement, as part of a sector agreement through the trade association, The Textile Services Association.

Supply Chain – JSG shall encourage their suppliers to have a Sustainability Policy, although it may not be always possible to choose suppliers based on sustainability alone because quality, price and delivery shall always be key issues.

Waste – JSG is committed to minimising the production of waste and through recovery, recycling and reuse. JSG is committed to producing a quality product rst time with the most ecologically ef cient method of processing with routine monitoring and staff training. JSG is actively involved in assisting the development of energy/water saving equipment for the industry. JSG is committed to reduce the amount of waste that is sent to land ll.

Transport – JSG shall ensure the best use of its vehicles by advanced route planning, the use of energy ef cient and low pollution vehicles, training of drivers and avoiding multiple trips.

Social Responsibility – JSG shall comply with and exceed, where practicable, all applicable legislation, regulations and codes of practice. All JSG employees are made fully aware of our Sustainability Policy and are encouraged to be sensitive to our impact on environmental issues.

This statement shall be periodically reviewed and modi ed in line with changing legislation and practises and in accordance with JSG business objectives and applies to all personnel employed in Johnson Service Group.

Peter Egan
Chief Executive Officer